Outdoor Camping:
Learn about tree bark (My Nearest and Dearest).
Gather supplies for a nature table (Outdoor Play Ideas for the Early Years).
Try one of these 10 real life science experiments (KC Edventures).
Learn about trees with these activities (Under God's Mighty Hand).
Read books about trees (School Time Snippets).
Create some plant letter art (Mini Monets and Mommies).
Make some leaf creatures (Dabbling Momma).
Make a nature treasure hunt mandala (Mosswood Connections).
Take a hike and make some butter (Mosswood Connections).
Indoor/Backyard Camping:
Build a Lego camping lantern (Lalymom).
Read some camping books and make some frozen s'mores (Reading Confetti).
Camp out in a play tent (Like Mother~Like Daughter).
Try one of these backyard camping activities (Krafts & Kiddos).
Have a pretend campfire (Pre-K Pages).
Do a Curious George Goes Camping activity (ABC Creative Learning).
Thanks to everybody who linked up great ideas for kids last week! If you were featured, grab a button! Can't wait to see what you've got this week!

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.readingconfetti.com/search/label/Link%20Party" title="Reading Confetti"><img src="http://b-inspiredmama.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/The-Weekly-Kids-Co-Op-150px-Button.jpg" alt="Reading Confetti" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Nice marshmallow pix! You must have a really nice camera!