Halloween Games
Halloween toss game from We Made That
Pumpkins and apples fine motor games from Little Bins for Little Hands
Halloween is Coming! spooky circle game from Let's Play Music
Hungry monster color sorters from Twodaloo
Monster themed games and activities from Triple T Mum
Halloween Songs
I Have Grown a Pumpkin song from Let's Play Music
When it is Halloween song and craft from Let's Play Music
And 3 for my favorite Halloween song/poem Five Little Pumpkins:
Five Little Pumpkins finger puppets from Twodaloo
Five Little Pumpkins puppets and craft from Brainstorm in Bloom
Five Little Pumpkins craft and game from Reading Confetti
Thanks to everybody who linked up great ideas for kids last week! If you were featured, grab a button! Can't wait to see what you've got this week!

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