35 DIY Toys for Kids: Kid's Co-op

Why buy toys for your kids when you can make them yourself? The Kid's Co-op has been full of tons of great DIY toys for kids.

35 toys you can make yourself including dress up, pretend play, classic and learning toys, and art supplies

Classic Toys
35 toys you can make yourself including dress up, pretend play, classic and learning toys, and art supplies
Homemade bubble mix from MollyMoo
Make your own juggling balls from Kids Activities Blog
Tire obstacle course from Frogs & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails
Easy catapult from Kids Activities Blog
Pool noodle pom pom shooter from Frogs & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails

Dress Up
35 toys you can make yourself including dress up, pretend play, classic and learning toys, and art supplies
Super hero cuffs from a tp roll from Reading Confetti
Dress up vests from grocery bags from The Stay-at-Home-Mom Survival Guide
Pig nose from a tp roll from Tutus & Tea Parties
Fireman air tank from Crayon Box Chronicles
Knight sword, shield, and helmet from School Time Snippets
No sew mermaid costume from Reading Confetti
Easy dress up hats from Reading Confetti

Pretend Play
35 toys you can make yourself including dress up, pretend play, classic and learning toys, and art supplies
Pack and play stove from And Next Comes L
Craft stick dolls from MollyMoo
Printable monkey puppets from Picklebums
Pretend vegetable stand from Fantastic Fun & Learning
Pretend pizza shop and felt pizza from Sugar Aunts
Cardboard box car from Craftulate
Cardboard castles from Reading Confetti

Learning Toys
35 toys you can make yourself including dress up, pretend play, classic and learning toys, and art supplies
Melty bead abacus from Lalymom
Counting popsicle stick puzzle from Powerful Mothering
Musical shaker from a cardboard tube from Picklebums
Light table from Teach Through Play
Alphabet travel puzzle from Reading Confetti
Number parking lot from B-Inspired Mama and Craftulate

Sensory and Art Supplies
35 toys you can make yourself including dress up, pretend play, classic and learning toys, and art supplies
No cook play dough from Kids Activities Blog
Fall sticky paints from Learn~Play~Imagine
Rainbow sand slime from Learn~Play~Imagine
Bubble dough from There's Just One Mommy
DIY sandbox from An Ordinary Housewife
Bubble bath bathtub paint from Fun Toddler Activities
Homemade confetti paint recipe from Learn~Play~Imagine
Toddler safe play sand from Fun-A-Day!
Ice chalk from Reading Confetti
Frozen marbles from Reading Confetti

What are your kids' favorite toys? Is it something homemade or something you've gotten from a store?

Thanks to everybody who linked up great ideas for kids last week! If you were featured, grab a button! Can't wait to see what you've got this week!
Reading Confetti
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The Weekly Kids Co-Op featured the best kids' activities of the week from the best blogs on the 'net! Link up your kid-friendly posts to have them featured on over 15 awesome blogs. Just make sure to grab a button or link back, and please don't link up the same posts every week. Follow The Weekly Kids Co-Op on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest for more fun! *By linking up, you agree to have your images shared with credit.

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  1. Great list of home made toys for kids. I also made a list with our favorite baby home made toys that could come as addition to everything you wrote above :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for including our Light Box....we love that thing! lots of great ideas in this list! great job!

  4. So many fantastic ideas! Pinned!

    Thanks for linking up at TGIF! Have a great week,
    Beth =)

  5. Thank you for featuring my Abacus, I just saw that it was on here, sorry for the delayed thanks! Great list!

  6. Hello,
    Excellent ideas and very innovative too. Colorful creative work.
    Kids toys online

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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