12 Spring Flower Crafts: Kid's Co-op

Old Man Winter has overstayed his welcome around these parts as far as I'm concerned. Luckily, the Kid's Co-op party has been full of ideas to brighten things up with some spring flower crafts:

1. Giant spring flowers made with collage paper from Buggy and Buddy

2. Coffee filter spring flowers from Making Boys Men

3. Cereal flowers craft from Frogs & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails

4. Counting with play dough flowers from Here Come the Girls

5. Bead flowers for Easter from Seeking Shade

6. The Daffodil Song from Let's Play Music (I know this isn't a craft, but the song is really cute.)

7. Bilingual F is for Flower craft from Toddling in the Fast Lane

8. Tissue paper flowers from The Usual Mayhem

9. Celery rose prints from Sorting Sprinkles

10. Bottle top spring flowers from Zing Zing Tree

11. Egg carton flowers from The Fairy and The Frog

12. Egg carton flowers from Reading Confetti

Thanks so much to everybody who linked up last week!  Can't wait to see what you've got this week!
Reading Confetti

The Kid's Co-Op features the best kids' ideas of the week. Follow on FacebookPinterest & visit the co-hosts: 2 Big 2 LittleB-Inspired MamaReading ConfettiPlayDrMomScribble Doodle & DrawThe Good Long RoadTriple T Mum,Glittering MuffinsMummy Musings & MayhemCaution! Twins at PlayLessons Learnt JournalTaming the GoblinCrayon FrecklesOctavia & VickyHousing A ForestFSPDT, Mamas Like MeCreative Kid Snacks.

(Linkup closed)

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Tuesday Tots 
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  1. Thank you so much for sharing our giant collage flowers!

  2. I'm afraid my post has nothing to do with spring. :)

  3. So many ideas at just one place, thanks, I'm going to pin these great flower crafts.

  4. Love all the spring flowers! You got me in the mood to do some flower crafts.

  5. What a great flower round up. Thanks for sharing the bottle top flowers :)

  6. What a great round-up of fun ideas! Thanks for linking up to TGIF!

    Have a wonderful Easter!
    Beth =)

  7. I love all the flower crafts, especially the egg carton one, so cute!

  8. Oooo. How lovely! Thank you SO much for featuring our Celery Rose Prints! I just came by to get some ideas (really liking the tissue paper flower!) and saw our rose prints! Being featured is always awesome. Thank you. Valerie

  9. Thanks for sharing this post on Tuesday Tots. I have featured it this week :) http://www.learnwithplayathome.com/2013/04/easy-crafts-for-kids.html

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