10+ Ways to Teach Kids Gratitude: Kid's Co-op

November is a great time to focus on being thankful so we can carry it all through the year.  Here are more than 10 ideas from the Kid's Co-op for teaching kids about gratitude:

  1.  Create a thankfulness tree  at Coffee Cups and Crayons
  2. Write thank you post cards every day at The Good Long Road
  3. Have a family dinner at The Good Long Road
  4. Check out the huge list of resources and more ideas at Raising Figure Skaters
  5. Make a thankful turkey at Train Up a Child
  6. Perform random acts of kindness at Kindergarten & Preschool for Parents & Teachers 
  7. Involve your kids in giving with 10 great ideas at Home Learning Journey
  8. Write a book of thanks at Wisdom. Knowledge. Joy.
  9. Begin a thankful countdown at We'd Rather Be Camping
  10. If it's too late for Thanksgiving activities, make a blessings Christmas tree
I pinned these all to the Kid's Co-op Pinterest Board (and you can find a featured button on my buttons page if you'd like one.)

Thanks so much to everybody who linked up last week!  Can't wait to see what you've got this week!
Reading Confetti

Linking to Sun Scholars, 
Full Hands Full Hearts
The Sunday Showcase


  1. This is a great list and would be perfect for my Season's Best {Thanksgiving} Link-up. I'd love for you to stop by and share this collection!

    Thanks so much!


  2. Thanks so much for featuring Home Learning Journey's list of ideas to help give back! You rock!

    1. Oh and I grabbed a feature button for my post! :)

  3. Loved all of these features, especially the post cards. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thank you so much for featuring our turkeys. :)

  5. I just discovered your blog through Living Life Intentionally, and I'm so glad I did. You have some wonderful ideas on your blog! Thank-you for sharing!

  6. Such great ideas! I'm featuring this on the Sunday Showcase today! :)

  7. Thanks for featuring us! I'm sorry I missed it at the time. I'm looking forward to grabbing some St. Patrick's day ideas!


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