Kid's Co-op: 5 Ways to Play with Sand and Mud (including making your own!)

There's nothing my kids like more than making a mess and last week's Kid's Co-op was full of great ideas for messy sensory play!  Check out these fun ways to play with mud and sand (even if you don't have any mud or sand.  These ladies are that awesome!):

1.  Little Moments used moon sand to create a mini beach.
2.  Famiglia and Seoul used good old-fashioned dirt and water to make this pig pen.
3. No dirt?  Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails used some stale coffee to make sand and mud.
4.  No stale coffee?  Play through the day shares how to make coffee sand with used coffee grounds.
5.  Wondering what your children are getting from all this?  Check out the post at JDaniel4's Mom about the learning that takes place during this kind of sensory play.

A great book to go along with these activities is Mud! It has short rhyming text, so it's perfect for toddlers and beginning readers.  A boy slowly gets covered with mud and then is joined by his friends until they're all covered.  The adorable illustrations make this a really fun book and we love looking for all the little animals that are also getting covered in mud.
I've pinned these to the Kid's Co-op Pinterest Board (and you can find a featured button on my buttons page if you'd like one.)

Thanks so much to everybody who linked up last week!  Can't wait to see what you've got this week!
Reading Confetti


  1. I love the stale coffee idea...I'll definitely try that one soon...

  2. Thanks so much for featuring our Pig Pen! I will have to check out the book that you mentioned, too! Looks like a fun read. :)

  3. Thank you for the feature! I really like the way you make a theme out of your favorite posts when you host the kids co-op link up!

  4. sorry its late but thanks so much for sharing our coffee mud:-) jaime@FSPDT


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