Ice Cream Sandwich Sharks

One of our favorite books is Shark Trouble!  Jess and George are two little chimps stuck on two different islands, Banana Island and Coconut Island.  They'd like to be together, but the ocean between them contains sharks who thwart all their efforts to cross the water while singing:

whenever the little chimps get close.  After many failed efforts (like digging a tunnel, scaring the sharks, and ski-surfing across the shark infested waters), the chimps each climb into their respective trees to think.  Then something amazing happens.  The trees bend and the leaves tangle together to form a leafy bridge across the water.  They celebrate their new friendship with banana milkshakes and coconut cake.
If you'd like to make your own shark ice cream sandwich, the hardest part is having to stick them back in the freezer between every step to keep them from melting.

You'll need:
  • Two cookies
  • Ice Cream
  • Gray frosting (ick, I know)
  • A Bugle (optional)
  • Marshmallows or white chocolate chips
  • DIY edible eyes or chocolate chips

Start with the cookies.  If they are really soft, put them in the freezer for a while so they're easier to work with.  Put a scoop of ice cream in between and squish one side down more than the other.  (We Martha-types use lots of technical terms like squish and glop.)
 Put your teeth on the less smooshed side next.  That way you don't have to worry about messing up your frosting later.  I used cut mini marshmallows but white chocolate chips would be adorable too.
Spread your gray frosting on the top of the cookie and a Bugle.  Find yourself a flattened one.  You could also skip the Bugle and pipe frosting directly on the cookie for the fin, but I do not possess the equipment or know-how for that.
Press your frosted Bugle on top of the cookie and put two glops of frosting toward the front to hold your edible eyes or chocolate chips.

(They are a little hard to eat.)

If you've got some ice cream fans, you might also want to check out our ice cream literacy & math and ice cream play dough.


  1. Love it!!! Book themed snacks are the best! And sharks are hard to make, I cut my kids sandwiches into "shark" shapes after a morning at the aquarium and they thought they were dinosaurs! Yours looks really cute!

  2. Super, Super cute! Would you share this at Sweet Saturday?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. oh my goodness this is absolutely darling. What an adorable idea and it looks super tasty too.


  5. oh my goodness! these could not be any cuter!!! i LOVE them! so awesome!

  6. This made me giggle ... Super cute! Visiting from FamilyEverAfter linkup :)

  7. This is absolutely adorable. So much fun! Jodi @

  8. What an awesome idea! I love this, can't wait to try it out for my kids

  9. This is awesome! The kids must've had so much fun with these. Thanks for linking up at Sweet Saturday, now following :)

  10. This is adorable! I would love for you to link in up to Read.Explore.Learn.

  11. Super cute idea!
    It's adorable and I love your creativity !

  12. Oh my goodness these are way too cute! I laughed out loud when I first opened your page, but in a good way if that makes sense. So creative and adorable. How fun!

  13. This is absolutely darling. Now if only we can get them to eat vegetables ;-)

  14. These are too flipping cute! My daughter would love them. After I tried to eat her with the shark, that is. :)

  15. How cute is this! What a neat idea to turn a snack into such a fun activity!

  16. So cute! My son is having friend over later today. I think I'll make these for them. Thanks for sharing your ideas!

  17. Hahah Lorie, these are awesome! :) Maniacal or not! Great idea for an ocean themed party, too!

  18. These are so cute and fun! I would love for you to share this on my weekly linky party Blog Stalking Thursday!

  19. So cute! Thank you for posting on Saturday Show and Tell. I hope you'll be back this week with more.

  20. Those are too cute! Hopefully they won't bite back!

  21. I LOVE this! This is too cute! And now I need to check out that book =-) I featured this great idea at TGIF today. Thanks for linking up & have a GREAT day,
    Beth =-)

  22. How cool are these! I'd love you to share them at my baking with kids linky :-) Hope to see you there -

  23. Oh, how cute and fun!! I love them!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

    1. Lorie, I'm featuring this post this week!! Thanks again for sharing it!!

  24. You're being featured on Saturday Show & Tell at Cheerios and Lattes this week! Thanks again for sharing!
    Mackenzie :)

  25. Thank you so much for featuring this on my linky party. It's so cute!

  26. So cute! These would be perfect for birthday parties!

  27. What a great recipe. I am not sure we have Bugle's in Australia but we do have wafers so I think I would use one of them for the fin, and a tail too if I was making some of these for a party.
    Thanks so much for sharing.

  28. How cute are these? LOVE! Dropping by again to thank you for sharing this with Tuesday Tots. Pinned :)

  29. Oh my gosh these are darling! Such a cute idea for the summertime for kids

  30. Hi! I just wanted to let you know I featured this post on Sweet Saturday today, take a look:


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