Alphabet Hunt and Match

My kids love to look for things, so we set out to look for the alphabet.

I got some alphabet flash cards from the dollar store and wanted to find a fun way to use them.  So I made this from construction paper and wrapping paper:
And hid these:
And set the kids to finding and matching.  (I could have just bought two packs of cards and taped one set down, but I wanted them to match the letters and not the pictures.)
I realize now that I shouldn't have done the whole alphabet because Drew didn't even want to try to match them at first.  Then I started pointing out letters he knows (like the ones in his name) and he got into it a little more.  After that, I told him what row the letter was in.  We got about halfway through because a certain two year old was determined to keep messing up the cards by doing this:
After that, he was done and I didn't push it.  To be honest, I was done too.  But I think I'll try this again with fewer letters.

Any tips for keeping kids interested in learning letters?


  1. This is a really cute idea!

  2. I really like this idea. It's a fun, active way to play with letters.

  3. I really love this idea. We have a set of alphabet cards, so I now have a new idea to use them.

  4. Great idea! I think doing fewer letters would help, too. My daughter loses interest quick, too, when we try to do the whole alphabet at once! I also love that you didn't have 2 sets so he wouldn't match them to the pictures.

    1. Thank you! It's good to know my kids aren't the only ones to lose interest!

  5. This looks like a lot of fun! I also learned the hard way that the entire alphabet is a bit too much for games, LOL. I still think it's neat, and I'm featuring you at The Sunday Showcase on Saturday. I always appreciate your candidness with your readers on how activities go in your house. :)

  6. This seems like a good activity to gradually work on getting better at. Probably makes for a good activity to slowly expand an attention span(something my 2 year old doesnt have much of yet)

  7. Great idea -- I have some cheap alphabet flash cards sitting around too. I also understand about the needing to scale it down idea... I've tried a few big activities lately and had to quit earlier than I wanted to because my boys were just not having it. Flexibility is good, right? :)

  8. this is great.but can you offer a printable set of flash cards?


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