Candy Nativity

Well, I switched up our advent books a little because I was so excited to do this little activity and I thought it was perfect for The First Night.  It's a beautiful and simple book about the night Jesus was born.  It begins with the shepherds in the field, describes the stable, and ends with what the baby felt - his mother's arms, his father's hands.  There is something very soothing and calming about both the text and illustrations in this book.  The art is color transparencies made from photographs of painted and carved wood and they are extremely beautiful.

After we read the book, I wanted to make the nativity together.  I thought the kids were going to love it!!  However, their main contribution was to severely deplete the supplies and they weren't really into putting it together.  Should have known.  I had fun making it and they had fun eating it, though, and we talked about what it must have been like for Baby Jesus in the manger, so all in all, I'm going to call this one a success.  Here are the supplies I thought I was going to use:

I ended up digging in the leftover Halloween candy for more odds and ends though.  (Yes, we still have some, but only because it got shoved to the back of the cupboard and forgotten about.)

Mary, Joseph, and the shepherd are made from miniature chocolate santas and fruit roll-ups:

The angel is a Hershey's kiss, a Whopper, and Smarties:

Baby Jesus is made from a miniature candy bar and peanut M&Ms covered in a fruit roll-up.  The "hay" is yellow jimmies:

The animals are just regular old animal crackers:

The inspiration for doing a nativity rather than a gingerbread house came from here.

Thanks for joining me for day 10 (can you believe it?) of The 12 Days of Christmas by Jackie and me!


  1. Love this! I would probably be right there depleting the supplies too. I love how making nativities helps kids really think about true Christmas.

  2. This is so cute!! It would be a great project to do with my younger cousins. I'm a new follower!

  3. Wow! That candy nativity is fabulous! You are so creavive!

    I just stopped by to let you know that I featured your strawberry santa hats today!
    Christmas Carnival linky features
    Thanks for linking up to our Christmas Carnival Linky! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  4. wow.. so original ;)

  5. I love this! Maybe we will be making this instead of a gingerbread house for this year.

    Thank you for linking up and sharing!

  6. Lorie, what an absolutely sweet activity to do with children. I'm going to post this on Take Six's FB page right now!

  7. Awesome!!! How adorable.

    Popping in from preschool corner.

  8. So sweet and creative! Love it! christie

  9. What a cute idea. I am going to have to make this with my little kids. Thanks for sharing. I would love it if you could link this up to our linky party going on right now.

  10. Hi! Visiting from the Quick Journey! This is so creative and cute! I love all your little details too :)

    If you get a chance I would love for you to share this at my Friday link party going on now :)

  11. This is absolutely adorable! I tried to follow you, but it says your gadget is configured incorrectly so I liked you on FB. Keep up the great work!

  12. Such a cute idea! I love the hay. Perfect activity for kids. Thanks for sharing on Sweet Indulgences Sunday.

  13. This is so adorable!! {and yummy looking too!} What a perfect way to get your kids involved! Thanks for sharing! :)

  14. Hello Lorie,
    I am Lori as well (no e). I am a new follower through Read Explore Learn linky. I am loving what I have seen so far of your blog and can't wait to read more. I noticed you have a linky page, please feel free to add my button for my Thinky Linky Thursday linky party if you would like. Thanks!

  15. So cute! I completely understand the non-interest of your kids, too. When we made gingerbread houses I didn't get a single picture of my littlest where he wasn't stuffing his mouth with both hands full and waiting!

  16. The is so cute. That's always how it ends up around here too...I plan something neat for the kids to enjoy, but they find something else to be interested in...oh well =)

  17. I love this, so cute I know a dozen people who would love to have one!

  18. I just love this blog! I am now following, my son is 9 months old and we read stories everyday. Thanks for the resources you have provided on your blog.

  19. Lorie, this candy nativity is adorable! What a fun project to do with children! Thank you so much for sharing your post at Savvy HomeMade Monday!

  20. Thanks for sharing at Sharing Saturday.

  21. This is such a cute idea! I think we may need to add a nativity scene to our normal gingerbread houses this year!

  22. Oh my goodness, how creative you are! What a sweet (pun intended) idea!

  23. This is adorable! I love how nicely it turned out and I bet I'd be doing most of the work while the kiddos munched on candy too.

  24. Wow, what an awesome idea! I have got to go and find that book now. I don't think you can go over the real Christmas story too many times. It brings such a nice spirit into the home.

  25. This is absolutely adorable! I have never seen anything like it! Great job and thanks for sharing at Mrs Fox's Sweet Party :)

  26. This is so stinking cute1 I'm a nativity junkie I'd love it if you would add them to my What We Wore and Made link party over at

  27. Oh, goodness, that is sooo stinkin' cute! What a great idea! Soooo glad you shared at Shine On Fridays!!

  28. I just wanted to stop back in and let you know this project has been featured on this weeks party features!

  29. I would love your to link this wonderful idea to Read.Explore.Learn.

  30. Oh so cool! I never ever would have thought of an edible nativity. My only question does it feel eating the wise men and baby Jesus? =) Would you please share this with my readers for Fun Stuff Fridays?

  31. I reckon my kids would mostly eat this too! Stopping by from the nativity blog hop.

  32. This is a brilliant idea - think my children would also eat it before it was even finished.
    Also visiting from the nativity blog hop


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