Milk Jug Halloween Lanterns

Hoodwinked is about a little witch who needs a pet.  She wants somebody to hunt ghosts in the attic with her, join her in watching creature features, and listen to her deepest, darkest secrets (she's afraid of the dark!)  As a witch, she loves all things creepy and so her pet must be creepy too.  She goes through a series of pets (a slimy toad, a pair of bats) but none are just right.  When she finds a kitten at her back door, she knows it is just not creepy enough to be her new pet.  However, despite the kitten's adorable looks, she discovers that it's the perfect fit for her.

We decided to do some ghost hunting of our own in the attic.  (Well, our upstairs.)  We started by drawing some ghost faces on some milk jugs. Drew had a blast!  He normally has a ten minute attention span for crafts, but he must have sensed my elevated blood pressure from his having possession of the black permanent marker and decided that this was the craft for him!  He was actually digging through the recycling looking for more milk jugs.

I cut a hole in the back of each jug and we put in a battery operated tea light.  Then I hid the ghosts upstairs.  Of course, they were easy to find because they were lit up and we also kept some lights on.  It was just scary enough to be fun for my preschooler.  We wanted to include our own pet in the ghost hunting, since the little witch in the book had hers, but our dog is twelve years old and tired and not much interested in our shenanigans so we let him be.

No ghost hunting for Schultz


  1. First of all, your dog is adorable!!! And I don't know what you're talking about with your witch jug, I think it turned out really cute. This is such a fun idea! I can't believe we've never read that book, I'll have to be on the look-out for it at our library. It sounds awesome. Love your tie-in activity! :)

  2. I LOVE your milk carton characters! They are great. Will so do one with my son, he will love the drawing!

    Thank you for linking up to Kids Get Crafty!


  3. Aaaawww! Little Drew looks so totally engrossed in his work!!

  4. Spooky!! What a neat idea.

    Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday this week!


  5. Cute! Cute! Cute! This is perfect for a preschooler. It's fun, not too scary. Greta idea. Thanks for sharing.

  6. That is so cute! I like the crafts the kids can help with because when they don't turn out as cute as I'd like I just lead people to believe the kids made it ;) Although yours is cute. Glad to find your site throuogh It's Playtime. I'm also a reading specialist turned stay at home mom with a 3 year old and almost 2 year old :)

  7. Thanks so much for sharing how to make the plastic "pumpkin" light up. I have been saving some plastic jugs to try to make some of these but wasn't sure of the best way to illuminate them. Your text was funny to read...I enjoyed it. I saw your post over at "A Creative Princess".

  8. Uuuu.. scary! What a great idea :)

  9. They may not have come out the way you wanted but I think the jugs looks great! I love how they glow. Thanks for sharing on It's Playtime.

  10. Your dog is so sweet! I love that you let your boys do the coloring, even if it wasn't perfect. They are adorable! Have you linked up with Creative Me Monday yet? It's open through Saturday... I'd love to have you! Here's the link:

    See you there!

  11. haha, these are fun! I used to get all jittery when my girls had a marker in hand so that made me laugh!

    Would love to have you share on my child centered linky party - The Sunday Showcase:


  12. Thanks for linking up at Feed Me Books Friday. I like your witch jug a lot! I also like the glowing hunt idea - don't have an upstairs, but even the backyard after twilight might be fun!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hi Lorie, I bet the kids really enjoyed your project with the empty milk containers. I recently found your blog and am now following. Please pop on over to mine for a visit and perhaps you would like to follow me also. I would really like that. Hugs, Chris


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