Handprint Bats

It all started with the book Stellaluna, which is not really a Halloween story but still seems fitting for this time of year.  If you haven't read it, you are missing out!  It's about a little bat who is separated from her mother and tries to fit in with the birds.  After she is reunited with her mother, she learns that all the things that made her "different" are things that she is supposed to have been doing all along.

After the story we made some handprint bats by folding a piece of black paper in half and tracing a handprint before cutting it out.

I may have gone a little overboard. 

Here they come:

There they go!

Here was Drew's reaction when he woke up from his nap and saw them all over the ceiling.

Yes, that's what he said. He stood there so long I was able to get the camera and take a picture. 


  1. Those are so cute!! Thanks for the great idea!

  2. My kids would LOVE to do this! Thank you for linking up to my All Things Spooky series! xoxo!

  3. Haha, so cute. The path of bats, and the picture of your son:)

  4. I love the idea and the finished product....but Drew's expression is PRICELESS!

    I'm your newest follower. :)

  5. Those are so cute! I'm going to have to try those!

  6. HA! That is a priceless look right there. How cute. thanks for sharing with my newbie party. Glad to have you.

  7. Oh I love, love, love your crafts! I would love for you to come and share your ideas on Mom Blog Society. Our members are looking for great Halloween Craft Ideas. http://momblogsociety.com hope to see you there!

  8. THIS IS AWESOME. I might have to do it with the kids today!


    Shannon @ Imperfectly-Inspired

  9. Hi, I'm a new follower. I found you on Sunday Strolling Blog Hop. Hop over and
    say hi if you get a chance Jennifer from Just Wedeminute

    Those are really cute, my kids love to make them too! We also make spiders by just taking off the thumbs.

  10. Ha ha...SO CUTE!! LOVE your little guy's reaction!!

    Deborah ♥♥ (visiting happily from http://upcyclingmylife.blogspot.com/...hope you might stop by and say hi!)

  11. Clever!! At first glance I thought you'd painted them up there and wondered what you were going to do about it after the holiday...lol. Your little guy's face is priceless. Would you link up here?


  12. These are way cute. I love the reaction, too. Thanks for linking up at Monday Madness, I'm a new follower.

  13. Thanks for linking up to our Great Halloween Link Party! What a fun idea to use handprints for the bats. Just wanted to let you know that we'll be featuring this on Monday (10/10)!!

  14. How cute! I loooooooooove your "wow" shot. I love how you arranged the bat hands. I have been cutting out paper bats here and there for weeks for my Halloween Party this year. I will absolutely use your arrangement for inspiration. Thank you so much for linking it up to Savvy HomeMade Monday!

  15. Ok, this is awesome! I've seen people do bats, but never out of handprints - great idea! And the look on your son's face - priceless! Glad you captured it :)
    I'd love for you to link up to my Halloween linky party - {Not So} Tough Tuesday's on One Tough Mother - begins at midnight!


  16. Hi,
    Oh, I hate bats! Or at least the thought of one in my kitchen. lol! But these little guys are too cute! I am going to have to let the grandies do this. They would LOVE it! Now a new followr.

  17. Cute story and wonderful batty fun! Love your son's reaction. I'm putting bats up the side of my house...hope it looks as cool as this.

  18. I love these bats. So easy and really catches the eye. I love simple decorating projects. I may need to do this, this afternoon when the kids get home. I am sharing this today a day late from my monday madness party.

  19. Lorie, those are just adorable! I love the expression on your son's face.

    I've featured them this morning in my latest Five Fun Ideas post.


  20. So loved doing this with my kids yesterday; I'm making a list post of Halloween crafts and I'm linking to your site with directions on your bats!
    The post will be up tomorrow at http://theresjustonemommy.com

  21. Love the pic and we love Stellaluna in our house!


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