Bird Treat Ornaments

I got this idea from a great fall picture book, Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert, and it couldn't be simpler.

To make bird treat ornaments, start by using cookie cutters to cut shapes out of bread. Brush on some egg white and press the bread into some wild birdseed.

Use a drinking straw to poke a hole and loop some ribbon or twine through to make a hanger. Here's my 3 year old hanging it (closely supervised by the dog who is desperately hoping he'll drop that bread).

I think they look very festive all hanging from the tree:

Here's one my son did all. by. himself.
It's a ghost.  Isn't it scary???? That's what he was going for.  :)


  1. What a great Project Lorie, I love it.. I know a bird lover that'll adore this :)) Thanks so much for sharing, I'm going to share this with her too :)) LOVING our crawl..

  2. Lorie, I am definitely going to make my mother make these with me! hahah! Can't wait!

    p.s. I'm officially following!

  3. How fun! We made bird feeders like this recently but used cardboard with peanut butter and seeds on them...I think this idea is great though because the birds can enjoy the whole thing :).

  4. Hi Lorie, Your son is adorable! I am Kimba's mom and obsessed with birds- I will definitely make these treats.

    Kim of

  5. We love feeding the birds! I'd love for you to share this at Fun For Kids Friday.

    Jo @ SmileMonsters

  6. Very cute idea, I love birds. Visiting from Marilyn's blog. xo

  7. What a fun SIMPLE idea! My kids would have so much fun making these! Thanks for showing off!


  8. What a wonderful feeder! I love the ghost!


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